Wow, What is that Over There?
Do you see that eye sore? Most of us have something in our yard that stands out to us or maybe it’s our neighbors yard that’s the eye sore. Not everything is made visually pleasing. Does that air-conditioning unit, plumbing or pool filter stand out? My Supply Shed wants to help offer you solutions for hiding those objects you just can’t move somewhere else. Let us help you create a flow that compliments your landscape and hides that eye sore.
Create a green screen, a natural barrier between you and that eye sore. Hedges are a great privacy option as they offer a classic looking privacy screen and can be cut to almost any height while offering a nice, clean look. Steer clear of picking only one type of plant for your privacy screen because if diseases hit or bugs find your plant appetizing you may lose a whole lineup. You may want to consider a layered mix of privacy options to create a robust look to your landscape.
- Green Giant Arborvitae – may grow up to sixty feet tall. If you are looking for fast growth you will find it here. This hedge can grow up to 3 feet in a year.
- Emerald Arborvitae – grows approximately ten to fifteen feet tall and respond well to being cut to size.
- Sheared Privet Arborvitae – provide a clean look when cut to any size.
- Spruce Trees – grow tall to hide some of the tallest standing eye sores. Breathe in this wonderful solution.
- Norway Spruce – offers enormous coverage and can grow to heights as tall as 100 feet. Branches of a Norway Spruce fall low and block wind. These wonderful creatures grow in direct sun or moderate shade.
- Evergreens – great choice for noise and privacy screening.
- Colorado Blue Spruce – known for their Christmas tree look and offers a beautiful one of a kind color. You will see these hold up to heavy winds and complement many landscape plant varieties.
Make sure to leave enough space for growth. This might mean that you must wait a few years for the full look of a privacy screen to prevail, but in the long run you are creating a thriving environment for growth and expansion. Much of the plants that work well as privacy options grow best when in an environment exposed to direct sunlight for a minimum of 6 hours per day.
You may love the look of a certain privacy option, but please consider root span. It may not be effective to put a hedge or tree that has a large and powerful root structure near the foundation of your home. Don’t forget to look up. If you pick a tree or shrub that grows large make sure you are not planting directly under utility lines, pergolas, and other tall yard features. Check with your local resources to find safe planting distances.